Coestherm PP piping system for heating and cooling
Coestherm is the system of pipes made of random polypropylene PP-R and PP-RCT with a diameter from 16 to 200 mm, for the supply of cold and hot water and for heating/air – conditioning. The system responds to the strictest needs in terms of strength and durability.
Coestherm advantages:
PP-R is a plastic materials which resists cracking, even under stress, as well as corrosion and chemicals. Its molecular composition also guarantees acoustic insulation and protection against attack by stray currents.
PP-RCT is characterized by a hexagonal crystalline structure which conveys better maintenance of pressure. Coestherm Hex Multilayer Pipe allows a 20% reduction of the thickness of the walls, enabling installation of pipes with a smaller diameter but the same flow capacity, in comparison to traditional PP-R pipe.